Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Immiscible liquids

I know the topic of this week and next is light, but here is a curious observation I had tonight, I thought of sharing with all aof you. 
I had a late dinner in our canteen today. The soup that I took, had a 6mm layer of oil on it! I was quite surprised, as the canteen food is not thaaaat bad! 

Why do you think it had that much oil...

Come on think think!!
See a Physicist can be a good detective too...!! 
So the solution is...
Have you given up??? ............. ? ?     .............  :)
The oil in the whole soup mix was stirred and mixed well when it was made. Since I went late, by that time, these small droplets of oil in the mixture, came together, since they don't mix with rest of the soup, which is more of water. And started floating, since the oil is lighter than water!!

That solves the mystery!! :)
You can do this experiment:- Take one spoon of oil, mix it in mixer with 200ml of water. You can have a color added to the water, say blue ink, to see the oil and water separately. After thorough mixing, leave the mixture for 15 minutes. the oil will separate and start floating.
Oil floating on sea water, after Kuwait oil wells had got destroyed is another example of immiscibility and floatation between two liquids.

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