Thursday, December 3, 2009

for Engineers wanting to pursue PhD

There are number of queries of Engineers {Who probably got strayed into tech biz but had a inner longing to do Physics!:) } who would like to pursue a research Career, so this blog.
You are most welcome to do a PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Visit IIA website for details of application procedure, exams and interviews to be taken. PhD in Computation or Instrumentation or Electronics based experimentation, Observational Astronomy would be possible.
Not much prior knowledge of Astronomy is expected as you will be given good grinding in Research Training Program (RTP) in the first year of joining. {You need to clear it well to get into second year!}

Many institutes have their own entrance tests and interviews. Check their websites and call their offices.

You can prepare for JEST and/or NET Physics and/or GATE Physics as follows:-

0.Check their syllabus
1. Brush up your FE Fundamentals of Physics book
2. Refer
*Fundamentals of Physics by Resnik and Halliday.
*Concepts of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser.
*Electrodynamics by Griffith
3. Catch up with some sample papers from the same agency where you apply for these exams
4. Solve loads of problems. You Cant Survive In Research if you don't like to solve problems. Only understanding Stuff is not enough... :) ''Physics by Example'' by Rees is a good start. Actually, any good problem solving book with detailed solutions is good enough. Check solution after you have attempted the problem, and see where you made mistake, if any.

This is not necessarily the most complete and sufficient prep! Apply for a YES!+ also... check

All the best!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The younger Twin

Thanks to Amrita for asking this question about Twin Paradox. It was a thoughtful question, and the right questions at right time can lead to Big progress and good understanding. I have quoted below this dialog as it is. It reminds me of one story from Puranas, which indicates that the superfast(close to c) time travel could have been possible earlier.

The story goes like this:-

There was a King and he had a pretty daughter. He couldn't find a suitable groom for his pretty daughter, and so he set himself and her on a travel to Brahmaloka. When he reached Brahmaloka, Brahma gave him blessing and asked him to marry her to the King of a certain country on Earth. Happy, the King traveled back to the Earth with his daughter. Coming to the earth, he was so surprised that his city, his buildings and people were not there at all. In his City, he himself and all the human beings were as tall as a coconut tree. And he was shocked to see the human beings in the size of 5-6 feet, so small compared to him and her daughter. Upon inquiry, the King got to know that their civilization used to exist several thousand centuries ago! Though the King and his daughter had only aged by an year or so, the time had elapsed much faster on the earth. The King got his daughter married to a noble Prince and they lived happily ever after.

Conclusion:- the King and his daughter had traveled very fast, and Brahma loka could have been a really far away place!
Blogger Amrita said...

Hi,I was reading theory of relativity and found that "Time Dilation is a reciprocal effect",if it is so then why in case of twin paradox,one of the twins who goes to the space and come back, remains younger than the other who stays back on the earth!

November 23, 2009 10:41 PM

Blogger Abhay Karnataki said...

good question.
now here we have to understand that though there is no single absolute inertial frame for all observers, you can definitely make out if your frame is inertial or not.
if you are in a car and close your eyes, then even when the car turns, your body bends to one side or other, showing the acceleration, and hence non-inertial nature of the frame attached to the car.
Similarly, in the twin brothers travel, one brother is definitely getting accelerated at the end of the journey, and he is the one who comes out to be younger. the brother in his rest frame doesn't experience any acceleration at any time.
if the other brother would not have returned any time, then the time dilation is exactly reciprocal.

November 23, 2009 10:47 PM